Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Sorry the posts have been slow.. spring and summer is so busy that it's hard to take a shower sometimes let alone post to the blog. It's been mostly enjoyable as most of the things we see this time of year are routine. It's nice to see horses happy, healthy, and not in distress once in a while!

I recently saw an emergency that was a pretty common laceration; a horse reared in the trailer and hit its head, cutting it open. Usually these are ugly (there's not a whole lot between skin and skull and when people see bone they FREAK OUT). Even if you can see bone, it's really not that big of deal.

At any rate, this horse was bleeding and his head was ripped open. I called the next few appointments to reschedule so that I could go see this appointment-- mostly to subdue the overly panicked people. I was an hour away and on my way. However, the people needed to call me 3 times to ask where I was. SERIOUSLY?! I just rearranged my whole day. Would you like me to time travel too?

Long story short, I got there, fixed the horse, it was fine. Rah rah rah.

Days have been too long...

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

MD vs. DVM

Ha! On ABC news this morning they did a story about an MD who "couldn't believe" animals get the same diseases as humans. She even wrote a book about her shocking conclusions (Zoobiquity); that animals get diabetes, heart disease and even cancer. Whoa! Shocking stuff! The story was closed by her telling the camera "Yea! And vets don't even get to TALK to their patients, so they really have to OBSERVE." Did she not know what vets do everyday?

Sorry to all the MDs out there, but this lady made you look like total idiots. I know it's not all of you, but man, that was embarrassing!