Tuesday, April 17, 2012


With the sudden increase in appointments seen, also comes a sudden increase in "What the heck?!" moments; sometimes I have multiples a day even. Here are just a collection of short rants to my most favorite people:

1) No you can't be seen today. Especially when you call at 3:00pm demanding your horse be vaccinated before 5:00pm. Please don't give me attitude when I schedule you for the next day and tell you your Coggins won't come back for a week unless you pay double to have it overnighted. You have a YEAR to get these things done. It's not my emergency when you wait until the day before you need them.

2) Don't call my personal cell phone 5+ times then leave a message saying "So sorry to bother you, but..." You ARE bothering me. You're calling my personal cell phone. You're calling my personal cell phone 5 or more times.

3) When you page a veterinarian for an emergency at 12:05am, please do not keep me on the phone for 30 minutes talking about your chronically foundered horse's life story. He's foundered again because you gave him unlimited access to green grass. Yes I am sure. No I do not want to come out at 12:30am to come see him. I can put you on the schedule for tomorrow morning (or is it this morning?). No, you don't want that?? Ok. Then why'd you call the other vet in the practice the next day saying you'd "rather have a male vet" while giggling like a total creep. Wow.

4) I can only get to emergencies as fast as I can drive. When I say that I'll be there in 30 minutes, don't say "That's not fast enough!" Would you like me to jump in my personal helicopter?? Lord knows I'd much rather be sleeping than seeing your horse at 11pm on a Wednesday, but I'm still doing it. Don't be a total jerk.

5) When I see your downed horse that is a BCS of 2/9 and is so dehydrated that its eyes are sunk in, don't waste your breath trying to convince me that you take care of it. Obviously, you don't.

Among these righteous, annoying, and downright rude people, there are plenty of clients who are polite, kind, and altogether wonderful. Thank God for those people, otherwise I'd be quite bitter towards the world in about 3-4 workings days.

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