Friday, May 18, 2012

Kind of Psychic

Ok so my premonition was about 80% right. The foal I was talking about was born at 10:45pm on Wednesday night and the entire labor was as easy as they come. (Yahoo!) Everything was so easy that they didn't even have to call me one time. The baby was a big, chestnut with a big white blaze, but it was a colt. Dangit! That's the only part I got wrong! Oh well...I'm very happy it all went well for them. They are super excited too! I should have taken a picture!! Perhaps a picture will be soon to come.

Oh, also someone told me to "Kiss my ass!" today because I wouldn't treat his foundered horse for free. I was also told I don't love animals. This guy was so ridiculous that it was actually hard not to laugh, but still... seriously? He called me Wednesday and proclaimed his horse was foundered and he had no money to treat it-- couldn't even afford the $48 farm call. I tried to advise him the best I could over the phone and told him that I'd call him Friday (today) to see how everything is going. At 10:30am this morning he called my cell phone while I was in an appointment and left a nasty message saying, "You said you would call today, and you HAVE NOT!". Well, being as it was only 10:30am, I fully intended on calling him when I wasn't in an appointment. However, after that message, I thought I'd probably drag it out to the end of the day. By noon he left another irritating message, so I called him back so I wouldn't be continuously harassed throughout the rest of the day. Then he told me again he had no money and his horse wasn't getting better (founder is a fairly intensive, long, drawn out, expensive and chronic disease. I didn't think it would fully resolve in 48 hours.) I explained to him what the fees were and why they were in place, then he exclaimed "Horse shit!". Of course that escalated to the "You don't love animals, blah blah blah".

People. If I have to pay for your animal's medical care by giving my services for free, than I obviously "love animals" way more than you. Idiot.

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