Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Horrible, no good, very bad day

Are some people innately evil? I'm beginning to think so. Today started at 1am with one of those innately evil people; a client of mine whose husband went a little bonkers. She was scared he was going to harm her and her animals. She called me to try to find a place for the critters.

At 1am this obviously disturbed me. The scenario played out and ended in jailtime. My phone stopped ringing at 330 am and began again at 7am with the aftermath. Obviously I'm not getting the whole story (nor do I really want to). I just want the animals I've come to know and love to be safe. The whole day I've been on edge dealing with this. I guess this is one of the "perks" to practicing in a small town. Not only are you the veterinarian, the person who people rely on for animal health knowledge, but you become friends and part of their support system.

The whole situation is just incredibly sad and messed up. People can be so evil to eachother and to their animals. The whole day has been so  heavy...

1 comment:

  1. I work as a domestic violence/sexual assault counselor. I've had clients whose abusive husbands have killed their pets in front of them. It is my opinion that some people ARE just evil.
